You may ask me, How far it helps us to monitor our children?. Normally plugins, and software based parental controls are free, and they will protect your children, and at the same time it will create monthly reports. But they are some premium plugins they will send S.M.S alerts to your mobile. or they will send report to your email about their activities. There are also some specific devices which you can buy from your internet service providers. It is like a hardware wall. So, it will monitor well, and block at least 85% of irrelevant contents. Software based walls are also powerful but they will not be more strong. They will block at least 78% of irrelevant contents.

So you may ask me, Then how to stop that?. It is not very easy but you can do one thing. You have to allow your children to use the computer under low privileges or power (like Guest Account/Limited user account but not Administrator account) then they can't install any software.
You have to install a powerful antivirus program, and set password for your antivirus program because most of the hacking tools are detectable by the antivirus programs. Once it is detected a hacking tool then your antivirus takes the control of that file, until you remove the file from your antivirus programs' control. So to do it, they have to access the antivirus. If you put password protection for antivirus then they can't get the file back without your permission.
The following plugins, adds-on, and extension are useful for you to stop getting addicted to the pornographic websites or to protect your children from irrelevant contents.
Browser: Firefox
Plugin Name:Blocksi
Download: infortecpro safe link for blocksi plugin download
The about download link is powered by KWRN.
Browser: Firefox
Plugin Name:FoxFilter
The about download link is powered by KWRN.
Browser: Firefox
Extension Name: WebFilter Pro
Download: infortecpro safe link for webfilter-pro extension download
The about download link is powered by KWRN.
Browser: Chrome
Extension Name: WebFilter Pro
Download: infortecpro safe link for webfilter-pro extension download
The about download link is powered by KWRN.
Browser: Chrome
Plugin Name:Blocksi
Download: infortecpro safe link for blocksi plugin download
The about download link is powered by KWRN.
You can use the above plugins/extension/ads-on to protect your and your children's future. I have a question for you, may i ask you that question? what is your mother language? If it is English then you are safe then you don't need to worry more. If it is not English (like me) then you are in trouble. because, now we can find search engines/website in our own mother languages. It is a technology improvement but it is a big headache for the people who are willing to go for parental controls. Because, now it is possible to see/browse pornographic website in our own mother language. So it will become difficult for the parental control plugins to detect the sexual words in pornographic websites which are not built in English language.
You may ask me, What is the solution then?. Most of the time those kind of websites won't stick with a single language so most probably they will use English language in it. So you can get at least 50 % support from those parental controls. at the same time you can protect the history of your browser using supervisor password protect. So it will ask you to type password when ever you try to clear the history of your browser. So if you password protect it then you can check the history of your browser weekly to monitor what are the things are searched/browsed by your children.
You may ask me, How to protect the history of the internet browser with password? I searched from internet to find the solutions. I found the solutions for only internet explorer, firefox and Google chrome browser.
Infortecpro Solutions for Internet Explorer: How to protect the history of the internet explorer browser with password
Infortecpro Solutions for Google Chrome: How to protect the history of the google chrome browser with password
Infortecpro Solutions for Firefox: How to protect the history of the firefox browser with password
Browser: Firefox
Extension Name: WebFilter Pro
Download: infortecpro safe link for webfilter-pro extension download
The about download link is powered by KWRN.
Browser: Chrome
Extension Name: WebFilter Pro
Download: infortecpro safe link for webfilter-pro extension download
The about download link is powered by KWRN.
Browser: Chrome
Plugin Name:Blocksi
Download: infortecpro safe link for blocksi plugin download
The about download link is powered by KWRN.

You may ask me, What is the solution then?. Most of the time those kind of websites won't stick with a single language so most probably they will use English language in it. So you can get at least 50 % support from those parental controls. at the same time you can protect the history of your browser using supervisor password protect. So it will ask you to type password when ever you try to clear the history of your browser. So if you password protect it then you can check the history of your browser weekly to monitor what are the things are searched/browsed by your children.
You may ask me, How to protect the history of the internet browser with password? I searched from internet to find the solutions. I found the solutions for only internet explorer, firefox and Google chrome browser.
Infortecpro Solutions for Internet Explorer: How to protect the history of the internet explorer browser with password
Infortecpro Solutions for Google Chrome: How to protect the history of the google chrome browser with password
Infortecpro Solutions for Firefox: How to protect the history of the firefox browser with password
Now you may ask me, we identified some pornographic websites which are not blocked by parental control, and they are not in English language. Then how to block it now? Once you identified it then it is easy to block them with your parental control plugin by reporting that sites to it. You can also get help from your installed antivirus programs.Because these days they are also providing low level parental control app. If your antivirus has the option then put that link to its blocking list. Then protect your antivirus with password then your child can't access it.
Now use the knowledge you gathered from this post and start the action against porn website addiction, protect your children from pornographic websites. Share with others.
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