Click here to go to our Official Fan page: Click here
Please don't be fool any more!!!.
It is a market ting trick to get more fans for their official fan page. Even though their product is worse and useless, people [Sorry. i am just saying] like you, will like their fan page not only in Facebook.com , but also in Google plus and other social network sites to get it. Actually, you have to report ads like i have drafted above as Spam to those social network sites. Social networks also allowing this activities because they also willing to get new users.
There are some ads like this will get your personal details and sell it to some 3rd party peoples without your permission. but you may think, i can punish them with Law. Actually you can't because they always create agreements for most of this kind of ads but when they are providing the registration forms they will show only a link to see it, because they know we are lazy to read that agreement. So what we will do is, we will tick 'I agree' without reading the agreements. So when we file case against to them, they won't be punished by the law because they have the evidence to get out from it. So please don't like the fan pages of produces which shows some ads like above. But if you also like that product then please like it. But without knowing that product clicking on the like button is worse case.
There are some sites available. They actually give the prize but, finding some sites like that is very rare.
Then you may ask me, How to identify the true fan page competition to win really a iPhone/iPad/Windows 8 tablet: There is actually no way to identify like that but you can do one thing, when ever you find an advertisement like that, hit the like button for their fan page, but if you didn't win in that competition or they didn't announce anyone as winner then hit unlike button of that fan page. Then you will be safe, and they also realize their fault.
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