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Friday, December 14, 2012

How to check a website, whether it is safe to browse or not?

There are enough fake websites, phishing websites, malware infected websites are available on the internet. So we have to be aware of those websites to protect yourself from accessing those websites. But it is difficult to identify the websites and putting them into relevant categories to alert them to stop accessing those websites.It was the earlier situation but now it is not like that because, there are websites like mywot.com, webutation.net, scamadviser.com available on the internet now. They are providing it as free service.

We have to visit one of that websites, and enter the website url, when we have got doubt about some website to check its details and whether it is trustful website or fake website, and how many visitors are accessing it, and whether it is rated low in security, too get good or bad opinion about that website. If you get good opinion then you can access that website or leave it if you have got bad opinion.

They are providing some good services to protect us from those kind of websites. So we also should help them by commenting under their decisions or rating low for security or the experienced area of that website. when if you have got bad experience about those websites even though website advising sites have rated it good.

You may ask me, Do we have to depend on those website advising sites?
No, because we have google to confirm the advise made by a particular website advising site. 

You may ask me, How to do that?
Very simple. Copy and Paste or Enter the website address/url in the search field of the google website, then leave a space and type "fake ?" then click the search button. If you got good comments about that website from different forms and websites then you can access it or else you can make your own post in your blog to prevent the users from accessing that website.

You can use the same method to check the fake plugins, extensions, and toolbar.


http://www.mywot.com/ is fake?
http://www.webutation.net/ is fake?
http://www.scamadviser.com/ is fake?
How to identify the fake websites?
http://infortecpro.blogspot.com/ is fake? -100% certified as good website by website advisers.
how to check the fake website?
is fake? 14/12/2012 Recent Post

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